2.20 - Vision of Unity (Envison Festival 2017 Recap)

This is a special episode. Last year I got married to the best person in the entire dimension, Haley. We've been on several adventures together already but our trip to Envision this year was probably the most magical experience in my life so far. Make sure to check out the episode page on Steemit to get some of our photos and clips from the trip!


+ A meandering recap of our trip to Envision 2017

+ Acro yoga!


+ Sunsets on the Costa Rica beach

+ Incredible fire performance troupes


+ Crazy stages by Zebbler

+ Random tangent about the danger of artificial scents (Listen to this Mysterious Universe Episode )
+ Rob Greenfield and living life without trash
+ The bus ride across Costa Rica
+ Running into people you know from thousands of miles away
+ Lords of Consciousness - www.lordsofconsciousness.com
+ Delicious (and mostly vegan) festie food

+ Amazing Flow Performances


+ What to do about Fukushima (tangent)
+ Waking up with lemurs
+ The Crocodile Skull
+ Qi Gong workshops with Kevin Courtney and Orpheus B Check out Orpheus' Costa Rica retreats, "Just B"


+ Picking up trash to get free mocha chip vegan ice cream
+ Running into Lusid fans in another country Check out Lusid's music

+ Eating frozen smoothies on a stick

+ Zendo Project / MAPS - www.maps.org/
+ The Funk Hunters - @thefunkhunters
+ Tuning fork visions
+ Quixotic
+ Rising Appalachia
+ Sam and his Infinity Hoods -


+ Ecobambas (awesome recycled shoes)- www.ecobambas.com


+ The nature of the imagination
+ Haley’s contraband lawbreaking at airports

Lastly, Envision had the best banana bread on Earth.

Look how happy this guy is to be eating it:

Support me on Patreon and I'll give you cool stuff! This show is listener supported, so if you're listening, please consider supporting!

Music in this episode provided by Dreamer's Delight (my favorite artist that I discovered at Envision)

Check out Chris Abert's new podcast, Dream Nexus! I was guest numero uno, and we had an expansive psychedelic discussion. Link: goo.gl/lIHZ9c