3.24 - Sailing The Sea of Information with Japhy (#WPRPN)
Audio Version:
Japhy Ryder Links
World Pirate Radio Podcast Network (WPRPN™): https://www.wprpn.com/
WPRPN On Minds: https://www.minds.com/PirateRadioNetwork
WPRPN ON YOU-TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateRadioPodcasts/live
Japhy's Blog: https://medium.com/@JaphyRyder32
Japhy Ryder on Minds: https://www.minds.com/japhyryder
Japhy is a podcasting pirate who scours the high digital seas to help bring wealth to those who are in need, but not in a stealing way. Through projects like Operation Secret Santa and other efforts he puts forth online in connecting people, Japhy has influenced many more charitable acts than the average scallywag. In this episode we speak about his process and the backstory of his World Pirate Radio Podcast Network. (https://wprpn.com), the secrets of Operation Secret Santa, and some of Japhy's spiritual side as well.
In the Plus+ extension we talk about Japhy's exodus from Canada to South Korea, some of the problematic cultural attitudes that exist in both places, and a long discussion about the oppressive nature of Government, numerous mind control tactics and programs, and the necessity of true personal sovereignty and external anarchy. As usual, the real juicy stuff is in the Plus+ extension, so sign up today for access to all extended episodes and bonus content!
Episode Topics:
Chance's appearance on WPRPN Episode 77
Synergy between conscious broadcasters
The history of World Pirate Radio Broadcast Network
Operation Secret Santa – calling all hands for help in this charity venture!
Minds Group Link - Facebook Group LinkThe Principle of Volunteerism
Japhy's looking for a news correspondent for WPRPN
Jimmy Church's Up And Coming Podcaster Contest
Importance of Grassroots Media
Getting voices out there that aren't often shared!The dark night of the podcaster's soul trying to figure out how to make things work by yourself!
10,000 hours to mastery
Shoutout to @SatoriD and @adammillwardart on Minds
Cutting through the illusion of seperation with the connection of technology
Seperating the wheat from the chaffe with spiritual teachings
Let your conscience be your guide
Operation Secret Santa Explained
Positive charity stories from Operation Secret SantaJaphy's adventures wearing a swastika necklace
(the postive ancient spiritual symbol not the nazi logo)Symbolic corruption confusing contexts
- And LOTS more in the Plus+ Extension! https://www.patreon.com/innerverse
Plus+ Extension Topics
Why Facebook is evil and controlling
Japhy's reasons for moving out of Canada to South Korea and avoiding flights
Korea's terrible cultural outlook on plant medicines
Government and mind control programs (a lengthy discussion on history and possible bloodlines involved in controlling humanity!)
And a visit from Captain Long John Sinclair!
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Featured Music In This Episode