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4.16 - SoulChi - Protect and Purify Earth's Waters

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Matthew Durney a.k.a. SoulChi is the creator of Patchwork Hearts Collective. As a passionate but peaceful warrior on the mission to heal Earth and its inhabitants, he's been on numerous adventures to campaign for the cleanup of the West Lake Landfill and to support the Standing Rock movement. Nowadays though, he's working on learning and teaching permaculture with the InterWoven community in Illinois. 


Patchwork Hearts Collective 


Music in this episode: WisdomTraders



  • "Everything we put out, we'll be taking back in one day."
  • Modern technology progression at the expense of future incarnations
  • Redeeming the actions of our ancestors
  • Planning with 7 generations in mind
  • Water holds energy/vibration/information - purify your inner waters with harmonious thoughts, emotions and actions
  • SoulChi tells the story of being spiritually called to help the water protectors of Standing Rock
  • The radioactive Westlake Landfill - why we should all boycott Republic Services
  • Walking The Heart Path (Freedom) instead of feeding the Colonial Mind (Slavery)
  • The Medicine Tribe on Facebook
  • The purpose of InterWoven Permaculture Farms and Patchwork Hearts Collective
  • What is true grounding in both physical and spiritual terms?


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  • Beta-testing skill share community networks
  • Sorting out your heart's desires from your ego's ambitions
  • Coming out of the separation of commerce and re-inhabiting our world village as family
  • How the energy of large crowds and gatherings is spiritually siphoned when it's not being intentionally directed
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