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115 - Brandon Arnold | The Third Eye Hustle - How To Stay Inspired
Master the Now & Seize The Sychronicity…
Transcendental tinkerer and artist-of-all-trades Brandon Arnold joins the show to talk about doing what he loves, which is creating all kinds of magical artifacts and psychedelic paintings.
4.13 - Tryptamine Mysterium with Hakan Hisim (Visionary Digital Artist)
Get ready to shred the veil between this world and the infinite hereafter in this incredibly psychedelic episode with the master of digi-mystical creativity, Hakan Hisim. This is a wild ride through explorations of consciousness realms unknown, and an awe-inspiring romp through examining the fractal mirror that is the living cosmos.
4.12 - Hitting the Next Level with Nicholas Heilig (@heiligart)
Nicholas Heilig is a festival touring live-painter who has been steadily gaining popularity as he works tirelessly to improve his skills. We talk about finding the balance between the New Age woo-woo and healthy skepticism, advice for budding artists who want to make a career of their creativity, and how to not be duped by the myriad political divisions of the world.
4.10 - Art & Enlightenment with Chris Dyer (Psychedelic Painter)
Chris Dyer is a visionary painter, skateboarder, psychedelic adventurer & art teacher who travels the globe hosting workshops, exploring sacred sites, and live-painting at festivals and other events. We got some time to chat while he was taking a break from his marathon journeys and kicking it at home with some friends.
4.5 - Flowing with the Flow ft. Ethan Indigo Smith (Author)
Ethan Indigo Smith is a spiritual rebel who helps others find personal sovereignty through his many excellent books on spirituality, meditation and society. The episode focused primarily on the theory and practice of meditation, and is so jam-packed with invaluable insights and terrific techniques that I can hardly believe it all fit into an hour. There are infinite ways to think about nothing, and in this talk we cover some of the most transformative ideas and concepts that one could ever contemplate.
4.3 - The Rabbit Whole with Peter Marek (Jewelrycrafter)
Have you ever seen something so cool that you had to try and make it for yourself? That's how Peter Marek got into creating wire wraps and other forms of jewelry, and he's a great example of how following the whims of your passions can lead you to create a beautiful and unique life through imagination. In this episode we talk about where Peter's craftsmanship has taken him since we last spoke way back in Season 1 of IP.