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4.12 - Hitting the Next Level with Nicholas Heilig (@heiligart)
Nicholas Heilig is a festival touring live-painter who has been steadily gaining popularity as he works tirelessly to improve his skills. We talk about finding the balance between the New Age woo-woo and healthy skepticism, advice for budding artists who want to make a career of their creativity, and how to not be duped by the myriad political divisions of the world.
4.10 - Art & Enlightenment with Chris Dyer (Psychedelic Painter)
Chris Dyer is a visionary painter, skateboarder, psychedelic adventurer & art teacher who travels the globe hosting workshops, exploring sacred sites, and live-painting at festivals and other events. We got some time to chat while he was taking a break from his marathon journeys and kicking it at home with some friends.
4.9 - The Mandala Message with Morgan Manley
Morgan Mandala is a mindful master of the imagination who merges the world of spirit with matter in her magical artwork. Join us for a conversation about symbols, spirit, and sychronicity. You might just take away some inspiration for your own creative journey!