117 - Charles & Desiree Fultz | Astrology, Twin Flames & The Art of Relating


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Conscious Couples Create Change

Super-powered creative couple Desiree & Charles Fultz join the show to talk about the spiritual side of relationships. This duo makes music, jewelry, awesome live events and more, all with a magical awareness and highly positive vibes. Join us for a chat about the nature of relating to the Infinite Self Fractal Matrix we call reality.

Find The Fultz' online

Music This Episode: Illusive Tuna

Things We Talked About...

  • The intention for more personal sovereignty and freedom by 2020

  • Desiree's upcoming book tour

  • The meaning of weaknesses and conflicts in astrology and relationships

  • Overview of the houses of astrology

  • Charles Fultz' story with the massive Youtube channel Zombie Go Boom

  • Twin Flames and various ways these relationships manifest

  • Meeting people who are just like fictional characters you're writing about

  • Genealogical Astrology & personality traits that are passed from parents to children

  • Lighting the candle of consciousness for humanity

  • How to take advantage of the inspirational flashes from Uranus in 2019

Only In the Plus+ Extension (View on Patreon)

  • General Mark Milley's strange warning about aliens to military graduates in 2016 - Video Link

  • Jeremy Corbell's documentaries - Extraordinary Beliefs

  • Invisibility charms

  • Magical protection from unwanted police encounters

  • The connection between morality and magical abilities

  • Our varied origins from different worlds

  • Flying saucers and alien implants

  • How you may likely have almost met your twin flame in passing

  • The gears and architecture of consciousness

  • Our electric body and the universal divine spark

  • Ancient ether powered & magical technologies

  • Megalithic structures and an alternative view of history

  • Creatively working out a difficult planetary alignment in your birthchart by exploding fake zombie heads

  • The Wrap Charles Gifted me - Picture Link


118 - Nancy Byrne | Choices, Consequences & The Call of Spirit