David Whitehead | Way Of The Truth Warrior: Becoming The Hero Archetype


When Seeking Truth, Unseen Forces Will Come To Your Aid

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Sensei Dave returns to InnerVerse to help bring out the Truth Warrior in all of us. In this eclectic conversation, we examine the "defining myth of our time," JRR Tolkien's LOTR trilogy, and finding spiritual guidance for our strange times through the archetype of the hero. We also look at the One Ring and what it says about the nature of fear and evil, the link between the Hero's Journey and the creative flow state, and a lot more. 

In the Plus+ Extension we explore some of the ideas that feature on David's Unslaved Podcast, revealing clues to the occult history of our world and the deep corruption of both ancient and modern day religious structures, governments, and dogmatic institutions. 



"When you seek truth and knowledge with the purpose of forming a relationship with it, as opposed to trying to own it like the Ring of Power, unseen forces come to your aid."



  • Creating the great awakening and combating increasing internet censorship

  • Tolkien's "defining myth of our time," & David's new LOTR video series with Loralee Scaife - LINK 

  • Being spiritually guided by the powerful archetypes represented in LOTR

  • Defining what archetypes are and where they reside within and without ourselves and the world

  • The ideas and foundational principles about Western Civilization that are worth fighting to save

  • Examining the nature of evil and what the metaphor of the One Ring tells us about heroism

  • How fear in well-meaning people brings out unconscious evil 

  • Understanding the link between synchronicity on the hero's journey and the creative flow state

  • The distinction between liberty and freedom

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  • The secret war of the early Catholic church against the ancient Nordic-Finnish civilization - LINK

  • How Fear-based worldviews like the concept of Hell were manufactured to enslave humanity, and the original location of the real hell on earth, not a scary or evil place actually

  • More esoteric history, like the original historical figure who was turned into the characters of both Jesus and King Arthur - LINK

  • The pros and cons of modern day Christianity and other religious philosophies 

  • Communism and the Vatican's cozy relationship and the religions of atheism, scientism and the state

  • Martial Arts, working with the body to evolve the mind and spirit, and David's training at home video series on Patreon

  • Staying grounded and balancing the proverbial earth and sky energies within

  • Reawakening the warrior and the armor of truth and moral virtue