Paul Lenda | Maintaining Mindfulness Amid Hyperdimensional Interference


Finding The Silence To Hear Our Selves

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Paul Lenda is an author and mindfulness guide, who has been residing in Laos during the 2020 lockdowns. He's the founder of websites like SHIFT and The Uplift Guide, and he wrote a great book called The Creation of a Consciousness Shift. Join us for a conversation about attaining our highest evolutionary potentials, contacting spiritual guides, cultivating awareness to find truth, and much more.

Join InnerVerse Plus+ & unlock the second hour of this podcast

In the Plus+ Extension we discuss humanity's diverging paths and our individual choice to accept authority controlled transhumanism or develop freedom through our organic spiritual powers. Hyperdimensional interference, synthetic synchronicity vs. divine order, and a lot more is on the plate for the second hour, enjoy!