Join InnerVerse Plus+ for double length episodes!
Dylan Saccoccio | Occult Phonetics & The Dark Priesthood of Inverted Words
Dylan Saccoccio is the author of Spirit Whirled, a book series about occult phonetics in language that reveals an ancient web of sorcery....
clint > richardson | Strawman: The Legal Story of Your Fictional ID-Entity
The living soul known as clint > richardson is a researcher of Natural Law, and is the author of a book called Strawman: The Real Story of Your Artificial Person.
Crrow777 | Lunar Wave, NASA Lies, & Alchemy of Self Development
Crrow777 is a regular guy who's spent a lot of time behind a telescope, shooting the moon and other aerial objects.
Michael Wann | Etheric Pathways, Inception, & Decolonizing The Imagination
Michael Wann is a synchromystic researcher who uncovers occult correlations and connections between cultural phenomenon and our individual experience.
Matt Landman | Holes In The COVID-19 Narrative & The Great Panic Distraction
Matt Landman is an activist and the creator of the documentary Frankenskies. In this super-show we sift through the scientific statistics and ask several important questions that throw the mainstream explanation of the COVID-19 crisis into serious doubt.