Allen Marcus | PODs, Dogefathers, & Neverending Stories - Swimming In Synchromystic Streams


The Mystic Swims In The Same Waters That The Schizophrenic Drowns In

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Allen Marcus is a hermit-ec/syncromystic truth sluther. As heir-etics to the status quo reality, Allen and I take you through deep networks of neural processes and narrative pathways. In this rambling conversation, we seek to empower the theater of your imagination, and affirm your suspicions that everything is connected to everything. 

I'll be teaching at One Day of Brightness this month with Lindsey Scharmyn (Rogue Ways Podcast) and other guides on 6/19/2021. Find out more about this epic Solstice day of empowerment and sign up at

Get the extended version of this episode (an extra 1.5 hours) on Patreon and Rokfin