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Wayne Mcroy Jr | Transhumanism & The Cybernetic Messiah Control Grid

Rebuke the Digital Antichrist!

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Wayne McRoy Jr. of Alchemical Tech Revolution joins us to shed light on the technocratic agenda, inspire us towards positive leaps of faith, and help us comprehend the fractal, spiritual, and physical dynamics employed by social engineers to alter human behavior, physiology, and worldviews. Topics include transhumanism, AI egregores, artificial synchronicity, secret societies and their dogmatic mysteria, and tons more.

Subscribe to InnerVerse Plus+ on Rokfin or Patreon to get the extended version of this conversation, and the 2nd hour of each weekly episode.

In the Plus+ Extension, we cover the surprising definition of cybernetics, how feedback loop mechanisms are exploited to influence biology, brain/computer interfaces and the reduction of human minds to programmable machines, the superego and collective unconscious, and centralized vs. distributed intelligence. Super crunchy episode.