3.29 - Evolving With Conscious Intent ft. Ura Soul (ureka.org)
The being known in this dimension as Ura Soul has returned to InnerVerse for a conversation about how we direct our own evolution in positive directions. By living from the perspective of the heart, we can...
3.19 - The Lords of Consciousness with Clint Culberson
Clint Culberson returns to InnerVerse to talk about his adventures with the Star People Tribe, his work creating media for Lords of Consciousness, and learning to be a better person by taking personal responsibility for our situations.
3.17 - Less Suffering, More Silly (with Healer Karen Lee)
Karen Lee is a human beacon for the energies of peace, love and compassion to enter our dimension. Her background in energy healing practices such as Reiki & hypnotherapy have given her a beautiful perspective on our infinitely interconnected tapestry of lives, each as unique manifestations of the Divine on Earth.
3.13 - Soular Source Power
Jeremy and Gilda work in the solar power industry and are helping people every day to take the steps needed to live with clean and renewable solar energy. We speak about the much needed evolution of our energy paradigm and the information that needs to be shared for others to see the light of a solar powered future.