3.29 - Evolving With Conscious Intent ft. Ura Soul (ureka.org)
The being known in this dimension as Ura Soul has returned to InnerVerse for a conversation about how we direct our own evolution in positive directions. By living from the perspective of the heart, we can...
3.13 - Soular Source Power
Jeremy and Gilda work in the solar power industry and are helping people every day to take the steps needed to live with clean and renewable solar energy. We speak about the much needed evolution of our energy paradigm and the information that needs to be shared for others to see the light of a solar powered future.
3.12 - The Universal Great Work with Nathan Crabtree (host of Nathan's Freedom Zone)
In this episode we talk about many aspects of evolving consciousness through what we call "The Great Work" of self-improvement and helping others. My guest is my close friend Nathan Crabtree, who is also the host of a great podcast called Nathan's Freedom Zone.
3.11 - Cultivating A Healthy Consciousness with Richard Sacks (Host of Lost Arts Radio)
Richard Sacks is the host of Lost Arts Radio, a live-broadcast internet show. We riff about various favorite InnerVerse topics, such as vegetarianism and the potential benefits and difficulties with a raw food diet. Richard is an seasoned researcher of the juxtaposition between spirituality and health and his experiential wisdom is welcome information. We also speak about his past life memory and the hidden/esoteric teachings of the Essene Gospels.