Kalina Lux | Templīs Aquária, Synchronizing With Sovereignty and Inner Transmutation


Transmuting The Tyrant's Toxicity With Truth

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Kalina Lux is a benevolent biohacktress with a mission to heal the planetary fractal by helping humans heal their bodies. In this conversation we discuss her mission to manifest Templīs Aquária, a healing retreat center in Puerto Rico. Tangential topics include 5G and detoxing environment toxicity, physical and energetic alike, and our potential to alchemically transmute anything within ourselves into a harmonious expression. All of this is framed around how we can embody our sovereign nature within the evolving techno-cratic Babylon.

In the Plus+ Extension, Kalina speaks about why she's on the crypto-currency train, we discuss decentralization as a keystone to a free future, and continue expanding on many topics initiated in the first hour.




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