Lindsey Scharmyn (Rogue Ways) | Analyzing the Transhuman Tarot & Archetypes of the Artificial Future


Repairing Our Heroic Template

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Lindsey Scharmyn (host of the powerful Rogue Ways podcast) joined me for an analysis of the revamped tarot card images hidden in the recent game Cyberpunk 2077. This is not a plot breakdown or game-related show, but instead a look at the synchromystic message from the archetypes contained in this "Transhuman Tarot." Overall, the episode makes for a great tutorial on the themes found in tarot, astrology, and the universal hero's journey. This was a fascinating and fun, albeit dark, examination and Lindsey made an excellent commentator, thanks to her many years of experience with the Major Arcana.

You'll want to either watch the video version of this episode or pull the slide images from the show notes, so you can follow along with what we're looking at. The Plus+ Extension in this one carries our analysis through to the halfway point of the major Arcana, meaning that a part 2 will be coming, which will debut on the Rogue Ways channel.




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